Grade 6 News

Dallas Campus Incursion: Police Visit –Cyber Safe & Bullying

On the 14th of April, the year 6 campus got a visit from the police officer Sergeant Peter. He firstly shared his experiences in regards to what police officers deal with on a daily basis. A lot of us thought all police do is arrest people. Well actually they do a lot more. He mainly focused on the Cyber Safety topics. He warned us on the risk factors when using the internet. He discussed different ways to stay online safe, and some of the issues involved with spending time on the internet. He also advised us on the consequences when a student gets involved in any of the cyber or face to face bullying at school or afterschool. Overall, after this incursion, Grade 6's realised that the importance of the police officers role in our community and also the role of every student to stay cyber safe!

By - SadiaSattar - 6D